
What is it?

This 2nd level specialised gynaecological screening test consists in observing the external reproductive organs using a special microscope known as a Colposcope.

Useful information

The procedure is painless, non-invasive and non-traumatic, no anaesthesia is required and it takes the same time as a gynaecology consultation. It involves the use of solutions that, when they come into contact with the genital mucosae, facilitate the identification of lesions that are not visible to the naked eye.

This test can be prescribed during pregnancy.

How to make an appointment

Call your preferred centre for an appointment.

Find out more

This procedure is used as a complement to the PAP test, for the early diagnosis of preneoplastic disease of the cervix. It constitutes an important diagnostic medium in conditions of viral origin (HPV-HSV) of the lower reproductive tract, in order to make suitable treatment choices.